In this era of the gig economy, it can seem like everyone is starting a business, but the truth is: not everyone is showing a client-attractive. You attract clients with your visual brand and content.
And when you need to learn how to write for sales, make sure your content is hitting these key points shared below.
Get clear about what problems you really solve.
This is probably one of the biggest mistakes I see people making when they are just starting out. They have no self-awareness about who they are or where they fit in the online business world. A big part of writing for sales comes down to positioning. You need to have clarity and an awareness of yourself and your brand as well as the problems you are uniquely setting out to solve.
Know your audience and their journey like the back of your hand.
Selling is all about drawing a connection and building relationships. It’s not just about having an outline of the demographics of what you think you know about your audience, like their age bracket, income, and educational level. You have to peel back the layers and go deeper than that. Focus on the psychographics more so than the demographics. What is your audience currently going through? What challenges are they working to overcome and why? Get to know what’s really going on with your audience so you can honestly validate if you even have something worth sharing with them that will help them along their journey.
Get their attention with a headline.
If you don’t have their attention, how can you have their money? You have to respect people’s time by spending less time on you and instead getting straight to what they want, need, or desire. People are surfing the internet to find ways to make their lives better. How does what you offer help them do just that? Summarize your answer into a news-worthy headline that is concise and precise. For example, I got right to the point with the headline I used to get you to read this content when I used: How to write sales copy.
Speak their language in your storytelling.
Demonstrate that you understand your audience and what they’re experiencing. Let them know if you’ve been there too and why you get it. Help them understand why you want to help them. Do you have an educational background in it or expertise? Do you know what life is like on the other side? Demonstrate how what you do and what you’re offering is the solution they've been praying for all along —- if you honestly believe (or know) it’s the answer.
Draw a connection between what you offer and what your audience desires.
Don’t just talk about “the what”. Talk about “the how”. Share your solution. Communicate the value of your offer. Share why you and why you’re sharing your solution. Share why you believe in your solution. Demonstrate examples of your offer. Share your results or others who you have helped. In other words, actually start helping them. This is customer service.
You call them to take the next step.
You don’t just give them good he’s constant and not tell them what you would like them to do next. If you would like to get a specific result, it helps when you ask people to take action towards helping you get that specific result. You don’t want to just pack postcards and all willy-nilly. The cuts and you create shit always tied back to your business goals. You make sure it has back to your business goals by driving the traffic back to an offer or a specific action you won’t be able to take towards an offer. This is what is known in the marketing world as a CTA (call to action). Every piece of copywriting should include this somewhere in the text and at the very least in the end.
If you are short on time and open to exploring how you can get"done for you" support to get set up for success online, click here to learn more. At BTM Writing Services, we offer copywriting and content marketing support for your website, blogs, email, and social media presence. And we've streamlined the process so you spend:
2-mins. completing a project application form,
30-mins. on a call if you have questions and to talk options,
If you enroll,
3-mins taking a Voice Personality Quiz
and 90-mins. on a Brainstorming session.
And boom. That's it on your end. 2 weeks later, you can get the content delivered to you. You let us know if it's approved or we can bounce back and forth with revisions if necessary.
And that's it. Get set up for success online to grow your business. Get started today, here.